Tourist from all over the world calls for Bhitarkanika round the clock moved by the beauty and diversity of the place. Mainly three main seasons are witnessed in the Bhitarkanika National Park region summer, rainy and winter.
The summer season hails from March to June. During this span, the days are hot that restricts the presence of the fauna to mornings and evenings.
The rainy season starting from the month of June and extending till October gives tough times to the travelers. Since waterways are the only mode of reaching Bhitarkanika, the downpour gives a frequent flow o the canals and brooks thus blocking the pathways to reach the lodges.
Winter that falls in the months of October to March is a pleasant time to witness the ultimate beauty of the National Park. The actual pleasure for bird-lovers comes with the arrival of the migratory birds from Europe and Central Asia. The olive ridley turtles comes out to lay their eggs on the beach and goes back young ones comes out.
So pay visit such in the summer and winter season when the Bhitarkanika National Park is at its apex beauty. Though Rainy season can give a hold to you visit, the summers and winters will cater your desires.